Metadata from Accession 7705

Experiment name:        Monterey Canyon Project
Principal Investigator: M.Noble
Affiliation:            USGS
Mooring name:           425
Mooring position:       36.595 deg N, 122.348 deg W
Instrument depth:       1990 meters
Seafloor depth:         2560 meters
Times:                  1137 04 Aug 1993 to 2137 17 Aug 1994
Time increment:         60 minutes
Instrument type:        VTCT

  parameter          min     mean      max    stddev    days

speed (cm/sec)       0.09     5.00    18.60    2.03    378.46
dir (deg true)       0.03   185.99   359.99   95.56    378.46
u (cm/sec)         -18.39    -0.29    15.74    4.22    378.46
v (cm/sec)         -12.90    -0.48    11.86    3.31    378.46
temp (deg C)         1.88     2.05     2.27    0.06    378.46
cond (mmho/cm)      31.24    29.60    31.54    1.72    378.46
att coeff (1/m)      0.08     0.36     5.24    0.11    378.46
salinity (PSU)      34.60    32.67    34.65    1.89    378.46

Salinity and conductivity contain a gap in lines 2720 through 3231
(1837 25 Nov 1993 through 0137 17 Dec 1993).

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